Bioresonance Hair Testing And Hair Sensitivity Tests | Sensitivity Check

Bioresonance technology has been around for 50 years and is used in Scandinavia, Europe, and China. Bioresonanace therapy and testing are complementary and alternative medicines. Complementary alternative medicine is a form of therapy which doesn’t fall under mainstream medicine. However, they can be part of the overall healthcare plan. 

Most of the time, you’ll find that people who use complementary and alternative medicine use it instead of modern medicine to help in areas modern medicine can’t. Even though unconventional medicines and therapies like bio-resonance aren’t quite accepted in modern medicine, they’re widely used all around the globe. 

The same equipment used in bioresource testing is also used in Chinese hospitals, and over 7000 practitioners also use it in Switzerland, Greece and Austria. Even the Russian space project uses it. Professional and Olympic sports teams also use the same equipment to get an understanding of issues that conventional medicine can’t explain or help diagnose and treat. 

What is bioresonance hair testing? 

Bioresonance hair testing falls under a group of services and products that aren’t conventional medicine, also known as Complimentary Alternative Medicine (CAM). Bioresource hair testing is a form of therapy that uses a device to capture electromagnetic signs coming from the body and diagnose them by testing them against multiple food and non-food items

Bioresonance hair testing uses a machine (Multiple Analytical Resonance Systems) to measure the frequency of wavelengths your body emits. These measures can be used to diagnose diseases. 

What Is Bioresource hair testing

The whole idea of bioresonance testing uses the logic of quantum physics, which believes that every single cell and organ emits energy, so when unhealthy cells emit altered electromagnetic waves because of DNA damage. 

Theoretically, changing their wavelengths back to their healthy state is possible since we can measure when cells are unhealthy. So, the whole purpose of bioresonance therapy is to help diagnose and return the body’s health to a normal healthy condition. 

However, this is what happens when you get hair sensitivity tests. Hair Sensitivity Tests are meant to measure the wavelengths of your hair against various items to see if you are sensitive to those food and non-food items. The treatment for sensitivities discerned through bio-resonance testing would be the same as other sensitivity management tactics, which involve dropping that food causing sensitivity issues from your diet. 

How to collect hair for a hair sensitivity test

If you think you may have food sensitivities, bioresonance testing is definitely a good way to know which food items you need to eliminate from your diet. A hair test can be performed on any hair. So, you shouldn’t be worried if your hair is coloured, bleached, or permed; it will still work. That’s because bioresonance testing looks for the wavelengths emitted by your hair from your body. 

All you need to do is collect hair with the root or cut hair as close to the root as possible. That will be good if you have some hair with the roots attached. So you’ll have to brush your hair upwards to take the strands from behind your head. 

Around five strands of hair will be sufficient. So, don’t send a clamp of hair in for testing when you can get individual strands to use for testing. You can ask for help from someone when taking a sample if it seems difficult. 

How does bioresonance hair sensitivity tests work?

The process is quite simple once you’ve sent your hair to the lab for analysis. The scientists have Multiple Analytical Resonance Systems (MARS III) machines that contain registered items. So, the machine checks for the frequency of wavelengths from your hair sample and compares it against the registered items to determine which items you are sensitive to. It can also show levels of imbalances in the body. 

During testing, any food or non-food items that show a frequency of 85% and above will be shown as an abnormality in the results. An abnormality will indicate that you are sensitive to tha item, and you need to carefully monitor it in your diet to see what it does to you. 

Even though we’d love for MARS III to help with diagnosing everything, it doesn’t. It can only help you know your food sensitivities and not your food allergies. If you want to test for food allergies, you must do a blood test. 

Why choose bioresonance hair testing? 

If you’ve been having sensitivity symptoms and conventional medicine has failed to figure out what’s wrong with you, this holistic approach may help shed light. You can easily manage your symptoms through lifestyle changes like a diet by identifying sensitivities and imbalances in the body. 

We are aware that sensitivity symptoms often can be associated with many illnesses. That’s why we recommend you get a deep dive test from your doctor to determine if you could be suffering from any underlying conditions causing such symptoms. 

Managing food sensitivities is usually easy, but if you have underlying conditions causing sensitivities, then managing those will help clear sensitivities or make it easier to reduce more sensitivities from developing. Common irritable bowel diseases like Crohn’s and ulcerative colitis can cause food sensitivities. Check-in with your doctor to rule out these conditions first, as they help you manage food intolerances more easily. 

Hair Sensitivity Tests are cheaper compared to a blood test. Since both do the same thing, why not invest your money in a hair test? Even though bioresonance testing uses very expensive equipment, testing hair samples is easier and faster, making it cheaper. 

Hair testing is quite non-invasive, especially if you’re afraid to be pricked with a needle. Chopping off a few strands of hair may seem easier to many than pricking the skin to take blood samples. You will not get side effects from this test, so why not give it a chance? 

Final thoughts

Bioresonance hair testing is a non-invasive CAM therapy. It is a form of therapy used across the globe. While it can test for sensitivities, it can’t do the same for allergies. Bioresonance testing uses the logic of quantum physics. It measures the wavelengths of your hair strands and compares them against items saved on the MARS III machine to check for sensitivity. Suppose you’ve been having symptoms indicating you may be suffering from sensitivities. In that case, Hair Sensitivity Tests are the best way to establish what items are affecting your body so that you can eliminate them.

This article was written by Donna, our Nutritionist / Care Manager

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